How Do I Know If I Need a New Roof?

an asphalt shingle roof is marked up with chalk circle to note damage

Don’t Worry: There are Outstanding, Trustworthy Roofing Services Near You

Trying to figure out whether you need a new roof can be unsettling. Hours spent googling to figure out what’s normal and what isn’t, trying to determine prices and estimates, and worrying about whether you’ll get a clear answer from a contractor are all legitimate fears that homeowners have in this situation.

Many homeowners think to themselves, “If only I knew someone at a good company, they could give me a straight answer about roofing, I’d be all set.” We completely understand at Vision Construction, your expert roof contractors serving Johnson County and the entire Kansas City metro area – and we could be that company for you!

We have you covered when you think it might be time for a new roof. We can offer you a free 21-point roof inspection that will help us determine the condition of your residential roof. Then you’ll be able to get all the information you need about your roof. While you’re in the process of giving us a call to schedule an inspection, however, here are some things to look for that will tip you off that roofing services are needed.

The following signs are good indicators that it’s time to call Vision Construction: sagging, leaking, shingle damage, and storm damage. Below, we’ll go into detail about each, and then give you an easy way to get in touch with us to get your project started.

1. The First Sign that You Need a New Roof: Sagging

Step back from your house and take a look at the roof line. If your roofline isn’t truly straight, and there are visible sags, repair is definitely needed. The extent of that repair will depend on the expertise of a seasoned roofing contractor in Johnson County, Kansas, Jackson County, Missouri, or any of our other service areas. Our team members at Vision Construction will perform our free 21-point roof inspection, focusing specifically on your sagging roof, as well as a thorough check of the entire structure.

In many cases, a new roof is needed when sagging has already set in. From poor construction, to heavy weight on the roof from snow or water, or just typical aging can contribute to sagging, and it may be time for our roofing services to perform our excellent work for you. The good news is that if you have your roof replaced, you’ll be making a significant investment in your home, as well as avoiding eventual roof failure.

2. The Second Sign that You Need a New Roof: Leaking

There’s a reason we use the phrase “roof over your head” to describe that a person’s basic needs are being met. We tend to forget this sometimes, but shelter is one of our most essential needs. When leaking occurs, one of those needs is being threatened, and you want to act fast.

A leaking roof is a sign that your roof’s materials are beginning to fail. While it may seem like something you can wait on, experience tells us that additional leaks will occur, especially if there isn’t a singular cause you can point to (we’ll touch on this in our storm damage section below).

How do you know if your roof is leaking? You’ll know if you check the space beneath your roof, such as an attic or crawl space, and find water. If there’s water, you want to act quickly and have a residential roofing expert take a look. Vision Construction’s roof inspection will cover checking for leaks as well, so if you aren’t sure what you’re seeing, you can always call us to come out and do a thorough check for free.

Please don’t wait for the next rainstorm before you call us to fix your leaking roof. We’ll always be there for you, but the time to act is now, so your family, your valuables, and your home’s structure can stay safe.

3. The Third Sign that You Need a New Roof: Cracked, Loose, or Missing Shingles

The shingles are the part of your roof that provide significant protection, as well as a way for water and debris to drain off of the roof. However, depending on the quality of materials used, shingles are only meant to last for a certain period of time. Further, if they’ve experienced storm damage from precipitation or heavy winds, they may need to be replaced sooner.

Cracked, loose, or missing shingles are evidence that rainwater has likely already breached the base of the roof. The roof’s base is not meant to be exposed to the elements – that’s why the shingles protect them – so, if this has happened, your roof may need an entire new layer of shingles. You may also need a more significant structural solution, depending on any water damage to the base, or “underlayment.”

If you’re unsure, you can always have our roof-inspection technicians stop by to take a look at your residential roofing for free. No matter what, our roofing services team can be there to ease your fears, and help you find an affordable solution you can trust.

4. The Fourth Sign You Need a New Roof: Storm Damage

Storm damage, of course, can cause leaking, sagging, and damage to shingles, so these other four signs can come together when there’s been a major storm. That’s why you should always rely on professionals to take a look at your roof after a storm. Specializing in storm damage repair near you, we’re a highly-sought after team of roof contractors in Johnson County, Kansas, and beyond who’ve been able to help customers with their challenges and crises after a storm.

Storm damage is always difficult for homeowners, and perhaps a bit scary in Kansas and Missouri. If branches or other debris have hit your roof, the damage might not just be cosmetic. You want to be sure that the impact hasn’t created leaks or done any damage that will continue to grow as time goes on. In some cases, the effects of a storm can be repaired quickly. In other cases, you may need a new roof, depending on the extent of the damage.

Look to Vision Construction for a New Roof or Any Roofing Services in Kansas City

Vision Construction has experience assisting customers all over the metro area, and we’re proud of our role as the leading roofing contractors in Johnson County.

No one wants to deal with a new roof. We know this. But if you’re noticing at least one of the signs above, give us a call, and we can help you take it one step at a time.

Don’t stay in a frozen, liminal state of action and inaction. When you call, we’ll start with our free 21-point roofing inspection, and take it from there, offering our efficient, affordable, expert care for all your roofing service needs.

Don’t find yourself searching “storm damage repair near me,” now that you know Vision Construction has your back – and your roof – covered. Call us at 816-743-4156, or send us a message online.